Suggestion Wiki

Fighters are a class that form the largest part of League's champion roster, and have remained a pretty common sight in every game thanks to their general flexibility. However, a great deal many fighters suffer from a lack of originality, with many champions overlapping heavily in both gameplay and niche, and on top of that many fighters lack a real niche to speak of, being so flexible that they don't shine at anything in particular. This issue is compounded by the plethora of on-demand stats fighter champions tend to receive on their abilities, which usually make them good at standard tanky DPS fare in the least interesting way possible. The goals of the changes below are the following:

For a long while, especially during Seasons One and Two, the overall design paradigm for fighters was simply "be strong". The result for that timeline has been a long stream of fighters who often lack any real specialty or reason to be picked over another besides vague notions of overall versatility, scaling or conformity to the current meta (what's Volibear OriginalSquare Volibear's specialty, for example?). The Juggernaut update carved out a space for low-mobility, low-reach fighters to shine in their own unique way, with more likely coming along, but on top of that there is also a wide array of diver/bruiser-type fighters who all tend to have the same mix of effects on their kit, and who each need a bit more differentiation and specialization.

A common criticism of fighters is that combat between them tends to turn into "noodle fights", i.e. protracted duels involving mostly basic attacks that don't produce major results at any given instant. Tied into this is the fact that a lot of fighters tend to not have that much strategic or mechanical depth, which in turn limits the ways in which they can feel powerful or successful. The most common example of power on fighters that carries too little gameplay is free stat steroids: while it's absolutely possible to have meaningful and substantially powerful stat bonuses (Gnar OriginalSquare Gnar's transformations, for example, or Darius OriginalSquare Darius's Noxian Might), those effects trade off reliability for their power, and require those champions to work a little to earn that extra strength. In general, the power given to fighters needs to be a little less on-demand, and should carry a deeper level of strategic choice, and perhaps occasional mechanical skill, which would then allow each individual ability to noticeably affect the course of battle.

For a long while, fighters epitomized selfish power, with ability sets and typical builds focused purely on making themselves stronger while caring little for more team-oriented strength. While that has become significantly less true now, with many prominent fighter items providing bonuses that can benefit allies and contribute to teamfights, as well as many modern fighters having kits capable of working well with others, a lot of fighter champions still fail to provide much for their team, or even put their team-beneficial effects (such as crowd control) to the use of their allies. As much as fighters should still carry a lot of personal strength, perhaps the greatest persistent self-oriented power out of any class, that power deserves to be expressed in a manner that makes those fighters a valuable asset to their team, rather than lone wolves with little interest in working with their allies besides the potential to rack up more kills.

Aatrox OriginalSquare Aatrox[]

Similar to how SMITE's Ao Kuang was re-released as Kukulkan so that a new Ao Kuang could be released, Aatrox the Darkin Blade needs to be rebranded so that his existing niche can be re-used. Aatrox's niche within the lore is an antagonistic Valkyrie, which is an awesome niche that should totally be explored - but within game his trope is more akin to a Double-Edged Sword, which is also an awesome niche (although slightly lacking at the moment).

Aatrox the Darkin Blade[]

  • Niche: The Double-Edged Sword. This champion represents Aatrox as he appears within the game. Aatrox is a Fighter/Duellist, similar in a fashion to Olaf OriginalSquare Olaf with regards to being rewarded for being reckless (Reckless Swing, gaining power for low health, sacrificing defences for offence) - although the distinction with Aatrox is that Aatrox's much choose his shortcomings. While not the most interesting of implementations - Aatrox sacrifices his own health for exceptional trading power (which one could argue only makes the trades even, and thus why he still needs work).
  • General
    • Wings docked.
    • Perhaps a new helmet.
  • Blood Well Blood Well (I)
  • Dark Flight Dark Flight (Q)
    • Radius of damage area and epicentre increased.
    • Base damage increased to 90 / 135 / 190 / 225 / 270 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.
    • Cooldown reduced to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.
    • Animation updated to look more like flight.
  • Blood Price Blood Price / Blood Thirst Blood Thirst (W)
  • Blade of Torment Blade of Torment (E)
  • Massacre Massacre (R)
    • Revised Active: Aatrox drains blood from surrounding enemies, dealing 75 / 175 / 275 (+100% bonus AD) (+15 / 20 / 25% target's current health) physical damage to surrounding enemies and storing the damage dealt in his Blood Well. For the next 12 seconds, Aatrox gains size, 175 attack range and increasing his Blood Well's maximum capacity by 20% per enemy champion struck and doubling the attack speed granted.

Rego the Deathless Prince[]

  • Niche: The antagonistic Valkyrie. This champion represents Aatrox as he appears within the lore. Rego is a Fighter/Support, filling a similar position on the battlefield to Maokai OriginalSquare Maokai but with different goals and outcomes - he wants to be with his allies, yes, but unlike Maokai the end-results are much more selfish.
  • General
    • One of the Darkin, with Aatrox's current wings.
  • Valkyrie (I)
    • When a nearby allied champion dies, Rego enslaves their spirit for X seconds. Resurrected champions fight as autonomous minions alongside you. If you die while in combat, your spirit will carry on as an autonomous minion for an additional X seconds - continuing the assault upon your final target. Resurrected allies will follow your spirit as they would you.
  • Death's Respite (R)
    • Active: Rego commands undying fealty from those around him, preventing allies within X units of him from being reduced below 10% of their maximum health. Upon toggle-off or upon reaching 10% of his own maximum health, Endless Carnage ends - restoring health to all nearby allies.

Cho'Gath OriginalSquare Cho'Gath[]

Niche: The Kaiju
  • Despite being officially labeled a tank, Cho's got more Juggernaut blood in him than anything else: as a tanky champion with enough burst to 100-0 squishies in a single combo, at the cost of limited range and a tremendous lack of mobility, Cho fits the Juggernaut bill really well, as does his theme as a giant monster who grows bigger and bigger as he eats people. However, that theme's also been heavily underused, both in terms of gameplay and flavor: putting aside his really old and not-too-awesome current model, neither his W nor his E have the feel they should for a giant, city-stomping abomination, nor do they really contribute much to his gameplay (E doesn't feel that especially good, W is straight-up unhealthy in lane). The goal of these changes is to reformat Cho's power around him feeling like a kaiju, with powerful and iconic abilities reminiscent of giant monster movies, as well as the unique ability to disable, ravage and even eat enemy structures. Along with this, his ability to kill enemies in a single combo, particularly punier foes, would remain, though it would require use of his entire kit, and would have more guards added in to make being devoured feel less unfair (he'd have even less mobility, and he'd also have to take a bit more time).
  • Stats:
    • Movement speed reduced to 325 from 345.
    • Basic attack range increased to 175 from 125.
    • Base attack damage reduced to 56 from 61.156.
    • Attack damage growth reduced to 2 from 4.2.
    • Attack speed growth reduced to 1% from 1.44%.
    • Base health reduced to 565 from 574.4
    • Health growth reduced to 55 from 80.
  • Carnivore Carnivore:
    • No longer restores mana.
    • No longer activates against small minions and monsters.
    • Heal increased to 10% maximum health at all levels from 17 + (3 × Cho'Gath's level).
    • New Passive: The range of Cho'Gath's basic attacks and Feast Feast, plus the area of effect of Rupture Rupture and Destructive Roar Destructive Roar are increased by 1% per 1% of his bonus size.
  • Rupture Rupture:
    • Cooldown increased to 10 from 9.
    • Mana cost reduced to 60 from 90.
    • Range increased to 1000 from 950.
    • Radius reduced to 100 from 175.
    • Damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 60% AP) from 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 305 (+ 100% AP).
    • Slow icon Slow removed.
    • Airborne icon Knockup duration increased to 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 from 1 at all ranks.
    • Also disables turrets for the same duration if used directly under them.
  • Feral Scream Feral Scream:
    • Renamed to Destructive Roar.
    • Cooldown reduced to 10 from 13.
    • Range reduced to 400 from 700.
    • Mana cost reduced to 60 at all ranks from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.
    • Active reworked: Cho'Gath stands still and channels for up to 2 seconds, drawing in massive amounts of air and Airborne icon dragging all enemies in a cone towards his mouth (does not count as Airborne icon airborne), at a rate of 300 / 325 / 350 / 375 / 400 units per second. When the channel ends, Cho'Gath lets out a devastating scream, dealing 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 45% AP) magic damage, increased by up to 100% based on the time he spent channeling, for a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 90% AP) magic damage.
      • All enemy small minions and monsters below 20% of their maximum health are killed instantly upon touching Cho'Gath's mouth while he is channeling.
      • Enemies can still move while being dragged.
  • Vorpal Spikes Vorpal Spikes:
    • Renamed to Carnage.
    • Toggle removed.
    • New Passive: Cho'Gath's basic attacks each deal 3% maximum health (+ 30% AP) bonus magic damage and cleave all enemy units and structures in front of him and within his attack range, dealing the same magic damage to them.
    • New Active: Cho'Gath enters a frenzy, reaching maximum attack speed for 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds.
    • Cooldown is 10 at all ranks and mana cost is 60 at all ranks.
  • Feast Feast:
    • Cooldown increased to 120 / 100 / 80 from 80 at all ranks.
    • Can no longer be used on enemy minions or non-epic monsters, but can be used on enemy structures.
      • Also no longer refunds 50 mana and half its cooldown on minion or monster kills, including epic monster kills.
    • Can now only be used on enemies who can be killed by the ability, but kills them instantly.
      • Now consumes the victim's corpse if they are a champion, removing it from the map.
    • Kill threshold changed to 25 / 30 / 35% of target's maximum health, capped at Smite's damage against epic monsters and the Nexus.
    • Stack limit increased to 10 from 6.
    • Stacks are no longer lost upon death.
    • Bonuses per stack changed to 10% bonus size and 10% increased base health, up to a maximum of 100% bonus size and 100% increased base health, from 90 / 120 / 150 bonus health and 3.8 / 6.1 / 8.3 attack range.
      • This does not heal Cho'Gath, though Carnivore Carnivore still does.

Gangplank OriginalSquare Gangplank[]

Niche: The Pirate
  • Gangplank's been a weird champion for years, one defined mostly by theme (he's a pirate who crits, plunders gold and eats oranges) and who, until recently, lacked gameplay coherence. His rework fixed all of his problems in an awesome manner, keeping everything iconic to him (pistol-critting basic attack, citrus fruit, Bankplank) while adding awesome and thematic gameplay on top (barrels and cannon upgrades). For that reason, the proposed changes below are not intended to be a rework to his playstyle or mechanics; rather, their goal is to answer some more minor issues with his current kit (namely, his laning, which is still slightly oppressive to due his ability to eke out gold advantages), as well as streamline his power a bit more, while perhaps fostering a quirky AP build on the side (AP true damage Gangplank!).
  • Trial By Fire Trial By Fire
    • Now scales with 60% AP.
  • Parrrley Parrrley
    • Base damage removed.
    • Plunder reduced to 1 Silver Serpent, quintupled to 5 against large units, from 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 gold and Silver Serpents.
    • Critical strikes with Parrrley deal 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50% AD (+ 50% AP) bonus true damage.
    • Plundering 5 Silver Serpents causes the next cast of Parrrley to be a guaranteed critical strike.
    • Now refunds 40 mana on kill.
  • Remove Scurvy Remove Scurvy
  • Powder Keg Powder Keg
    • Damage changed to 100% AD (+ 100% AP) true damage from the triggering attack's damage.
      • Still applies on-hit effects, though their damage is not modified.
    • Now always critically strikes all affected targets.
      • This does not apply Parrrley Parrrley critical damage.
    • No longer ignores a portion of the target's armor.
    • Bonus champion damage removed.
    • Slow icon Slow strength changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%.
    • Kegs now spawn with 1 health and arm after 0.5 seconds.
  • Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage
    • Upgrade cost reduced to 50 Silver Serpents per upgrade from 500.
    • Damage changed to true from magic.
    • Base damage per cannonball reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 from 50 / 70 / 90.
    • Now scales with 25% of Silver Serpents plundered.
      • This includes Silver Serpents spent on upgrades.
    • Fire At Will now increases the number of waves fired per cluster from 3 to 4.
      • This reduces the number of additional waves fired to 4 from 6.
      • Death's Daughter's cannonball still inflicts a cluster's worth of damage, meaning it would deal four waves' worth of damage after this upgrade.

Garen OriginalSquare Garen[]

  • Courage Courage
    • Passive removed.
    • NEW ACTIVE: Garen surrounds himself with a barrier that is split in four, protecting him from one champion or epic monster basic attack or ability on each. The protection reduces physical damage by 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 % (+10% per 100 armor), magic damage by 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 % (+10% per 100 MR) and the duration of any crowd control effects by 35% (+10% per 100 bonus MS).

Jarvan IV OriginalSquare Jarvan IV[]

  • Demacian Standard Demacian Standard
    • Passive removed.
    • Banner attack speed removed.
    • New Effect: Grants Martial Cadence Martial Cadence to surrounding allied champions, causing their attacks to apply the bonus damage. The immunity timer on Martial Cadence is reduced to (somewhere between 1 and 0 seconds; either scaling or flat) for enemies within the standard's area, also reducing pre-existing timers.
  • Cataclysm Cataclysm
    • Damage removed.
    • Gap closer removed. The arena is now erected centered around Jarvan and his current attack target, or nearest enemy.
    • Radius of effect slightly increased.
    • New Effect: Jarvan now plants a Demacian Standard in the center of the area. Cast animation now has Jarvan plant his weapon into the ground, causing inward spikes to surround him.

Niche: The Team Position Freezer
  • Jarvan IV is a well-balanced and well-loved champion, having enjoyed a fairly stable play rate over the past few seasons without ever doing anything too horrendously unhealthy. However, this stability has also carried the tradeoff of not making him stand out too much at anything in particular, and recently he's gradually declined as both a top and jungle pick in the face of more specifically-oriented champions, particularly since the rise of late-game junglers has made his strength as an early game pick a bit less valuable. Part of his issue comes from him having a bit of power all over the place, including low-visibility areas (why does he have an attack speed aura?), which has also likely preventing him from having truly concentrated power (his shield doesn't really scale, for example). Additionally, there's a certain degree of over-versatility or confusion to his skillset: he's meant to be really good at diving, but has a certain degree of poke too, in spite of having some DPS and sustained fighting power he has a ton of burst (he occasionally turns into an "assassin tank" as a result), and his passive, while really useful at clearing, is always a bit less useful than it could be due to him dealing ability damage first before getting into melee range. The goal of these changes is to trim off or move some of his less valuable power while putting a lot more power into his ability to initiate, pin down masses of enemies at a time and move around at tremendous speeds.
  • Stats:
    • Base attack speed increased to 0.694 from 0.658.
    • Attack speed growth increased to 3.5% from 2.5%.
  • Martial Cadence Martial Cadence
    • Damage cap now only applies against monsters.
    • Applies on abilities as well as basic attacks.
  • Dragon Strike Dragon Strike
    • Range increased to 1100 from 770.
    • Cooldown changed to 13 / 11 / 9 / 7 / 5 from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.
    • Mana cost changed to 60 at all ranks from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65.
    • Damage reduced to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% bonus AD) from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 120% bonus AD).
    • Damage is now reduced by 15% per enemy minion hit, down to a minimum of 33% damage.
    • Armor reduction removed.
    • Airborne icon knockup now matches Jarvan IV's model and factors in his size.
  • Golden Aegis Golden Aegis
    • Cooldown reduced to 20 / 17.5 / 15 / 12.5 / 10 from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.
    • Shield duration reduced to 3 from 5.
    • Shield strength changed to 10% maximum health from 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210.
    • Shield increase per nearby enemy champion changed to 50% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.
    • Slow icon Slow strength increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.
    • Slow icon Slow no longer applies instantly, but persists around Jarvan IV as long as the shield holds.
  • Demacian Standard Demacian Standard
    • Range increased to 1000 from 830.
    • Mana cost increased to 60 from 55.
    • Cooldown changed to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 from 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11.
    • Bonus attack speed removed.
    • Active no longer grants allies bonus attack speed.
    • Scaling changed to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% bonus AD from 80% AP.
    • Damage type changed to physical from magic.
    • Flag duration reduced to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 seconds from 8 at all ranks.
    • Flag now causes all nearby enemies to receive Martial Cadence Martial Cadence every time they take champion damage from Jarvan IV's allies (though not Jarvan IV himself), with the radius clearly marked and visible to all.
    • Aura radius reduced to 300 from 600.
    • Sight icon Sight radius reduced to 300 from 700 to match its aura range.
  • Cataclysm Cataclysm
    • Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100 / 125 / 150.
    • Cooldown reduced to 100 / 75 / 50 from 120 / 105 / 90.
    • Dash removed.
    • Active is now centered around Jarvan IV and the nearest enemy champion within range.
    • Active radius increased to 400 from 325.
    • Sight icon Sight radius reduced to 400 from 825 to match its area of effect.
    • Damage removed.
    • Circle duration changed to 2 / 3 / 4 from 3.5 at all ranks.
    • Circle now Grounded icon knocks down all enemies who collide with its walls from within.

Lee Sin OriginalSquare Lee Sin[]

Niche: The Blind Monk (For Real)
  • Lee Sin presents some of the most interesting design conundrums in League. On one hand, he's a beloved champion who's enjoyed consistently high popularity since his release, is really fun overall to play as and against, and who stands out among the roster even in a game populated by an increasing number of unconventional effects and mobility. On the other hand, he's also so popular and versatile that it's caused serious issues for the health of the game, and especially the jungle, for years, as he can do pretty much everything well and has demanded similarly overloaded design on junglers for a very long time in order to compete with him, often crowding out the rest. Practically his entire kit is iconic, including his identity as a jack-of-all trades, but that also means he lacks a major weakness, which just led him to being nerfed so much over time that he can only be played successfully at a high level of mastery. There are two main goals to these changes: the first is to concentrate his power as much as possible, removing more persistent and oftentimes less visible instances of power (namely, his attack speed and sustain steroids) in favor of even stronger abilities, which would place even more importance on his unique combination of versatile mobility, utility and crowd control, and the second is to give him a genuine weakness. In this case, the solution might in fact be to carry his namesake to its fullest extent by making him truly blind, which would be a good reason to seriously buff everything else about him. As a champion with a unique vision paradigm (and deficit), he would not only have a legitimate reason to have both heavy personal power and ally synergy, and so huge overall versatility, but he'd also have unique synergies with certain ally comps (namely aggressive, vision- and area dominance-oriented comps), along with weaknesses to some enemy comps (particularly those good at countering vision and poking from a distance).
  • Stats:
    • Base health increased to 600 from 570.8.
    • Health growth increased to 100 from 85.
    • Base health regeneration increased to 10 from 7.425.
    • Health regeneration growth increased to 1 from 0.7.
    • Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 61.176.
    • Attack damage growth increased to 4 from 3.2.
    • Base attack speed increased to 0.694 from 0.651.
    • Attack speed growth increased to 4% from 3%.
    • Base armor increased to 30 from 24.216.
    • Armor growth increased to 4 from 3.7.
    • Base movement speed increased to 355 from 350.
    • Is now completely manaless, and no longer uses energy.
  • Flurry Flurry
    • Renamed to Second Sight.
    • Reworked: Lee Sin is blind, and his Sight icon sight is reduced to his immediate surroundings (200 at his base size) and shared vision. However, enemies within 1300 units of him who perform any action other than movement reveal their position at the time of the action in a manner similar to Rek'Sai OriginalSquare  Tremor Sense Tremor Sense, and his damaging abilities Sight icon reveal all enemies hit for 3 seconds.
  • Sonic Wave Sonic Wave
    • Range increased to 1300 from 1100.
    • Cooldown reduced to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.
    • Damage increased to 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 150% bonus AD) from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+ 90% bonus AD).
    • No longer grants True Sight icon true sight of the target.
  • Resonating Strike Resonating Strike
    • Can now be used from any range, rather than a maximum of 1300 units from the enemy hit by Sonic Wave Sonic Wave.
    • Can only be used if the target remains visible to Lee Sin.
    • Damage reduced to 8% of target's missing health from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+ 90% bonus AD) (+ 8% of target's missing health).
      • Damage cap removed.
  • Safeguard Safeguard
    • Renamed to Iron Will.
    • Dash removed.
    • Cooldown reduced to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 from 14 at all ranks.
    • Shield duration reduced to 1.5 from 2.
    • Shield strength increased to 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 20% bonus health) from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+ 80% AP).
  • Iron Will Iron Will
    • Renamed to Safeguard.
    • Can only be used while the shield on Iron Will Iron Will holds.
    • Active reworked: Lee Sin dashes to the target ally or ward within 700 units. If he targeted a champion, they receive Iron Will's shield and he places himself between them and the nearest visible enemy champion.
      • If Lee Sin targets an area in range that has no nearby allies, he automatically lays down the most expendable ward in his inventory at the target location and dashes to it.
  • Tempest Tempest
    • Cooldown reduced to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 from 10 at all ranks.
    • Damage increased to 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 150% bonus AD) from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 100% bonus AD).
    • Damage type changed to physical from magic.
    • No longer grants True Sight icon true sight of targets.
  • Cripple Cripple
    • Can now be used from any range, rather than a maximum of 500 units from enemies hit by Tempest Tempest.
    • Can now only be used if the affected enemies remain visible to Lee Sin.
    • Slow icon Slow duration reduced to 1.5 from 4.
    • Slow icon Slow strength increased to a persistent 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% from a decaying 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.
  • Dragon's Rage Dragon's Rage
    • Damage changed to 10 / 15 / 20% (+ 2% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health from 200 / 400 / 600 (+ 200% bonus AD).
    • Damage is now identical for all targets hit.
      • This is based on the original target's damage and not per-target damage, so kicking tankier targets should deal more damage to others.

Mordekaiser OriginalSquare Mordekaiser[]

  • Children of the Grave Children of the Grave
    • One rank in Children of the Grave is given freely at level 1.
    • Passive: Mordekaiser enslaves the souls of lesser minions and monsters he kills. At rank 2, Mordekaiser gains the ability to enslave the souls of champions. At rank 3, Mordekaiser gains the ability to enslave siege minions and large monsters. At rank 4, Mordekaiser gains the ability to enslave the souls of Super Minions and the Dragon. Enslaved minions and non-epic monsters behave autonomously, last for 8 seconds, and Mordekaiser can have up to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 at any one time. Champions and the Dragon have a 10 second takedown timer to trigger Children of the Grave, their souls can be controlled using the R key, last for 30 seconds and Mordekaiser can only have one at a time. There is
    • Active: Commands pet.

Niche: The Subjugator
  • After having been forgotten for years, Mordekaiser's gone through a lot of pain in the past few months: as a slow, short-ranged tanky DPS champion with no gapclosers or crowd control, Morde is the perfect Juggernaut, and the update was a pristine opportunity to fix the issues that had been plaguing him thus far, such as his oppressive solo laning and lack of a strong niche. Unfortunately, while his changes did give him Juggernaut-level power and uniqueness, they also gave him serious problems without addressing many of his current ones: he still has a kit that is unhealthy in a solo lane, but now he's been shoehorned into a duo lane, and the heavy power budget mismanagement on his kit has been skewed even further by an invisible power passive on his W and a poorly tacked-on, though interesting, effect on his ultimate, which is already eating up a lot of his power without producing too much satisfaction. The goal of these changes is to address these issues while keeping the new changes that work really well on him: given sufficient design effort, Morde could be healthy in both solo and duo lanes (perhaps even in the jungle), and he could keep many of his live effects (massive Q damage on third hit, magnet effect on W, AoE poke on E, even his dragon passive on his ult) while having overall smoother usability and counterplay across the board, as well as fewer abuse cases (no more unhealthy E spam or flash Q to one-shot squishies without a setup). A goal less visible here is to keep the aspects of what makes Mordekaiser a metal champion: while proper metal-mancing should likely be the purview of another champion, Mordekaiser is pretty much the personnification of all things heavy metal, and deserves to do metal things.
  • Stats:
    • Base attack speed increased to 0.625 from 0.601.
      • Attack delay no longer has a modified scaling or delay.
    • Health costs removed on all abilities.
    • Now uses Fury, accumulating 2 Fury for each enemy he strikes, quintupled to 10 against enemy champions and large monsters, and decaying by 5 per second when out of combat.
  • Iron Man Iron Man
    • Shield now only activates at maximum Fury, rather than permanently.
      • Shield is now also displayed on Mordekaiser's health bar.
      • Fury generation is also disabled while the shield holds, though it still decays normally.
    • Maximum shield strength increased to 100% maximum health from 25% maximum health.
    • Iron Man no longer remains at a minimum of 25% of its value.
  • Mace of Spades Mace of Spades
    • Active removed.
    • Passive: Critical strikes against enemies curse them with Overkill until they leave combat, causing Mordekaiser's next basic attack against them to consume the curse and deal 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200% AD (+ 150% AP) bonus magic damage.
    • If the triggering strike is a basic attack, it detonates Overkill immediately.
  • Harvester of Sorrow Harvester of Sorrow
    • Renamed to Creeping Death.
    • Passive removed.
    • Active reworked: Mordekaiser envelops the target unit and himself in a swirling cloud of shredded armor, causing them to deal 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% AP) magic damage to all nearby enemies (but not themselves). If the clouds touch, the target takes 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 80% AP) magic damage instantly and is critically struck.
  • Siphon of Destruction Siphon of Destruction
    • Active removed.
    • Passive: Each of Mordekaiser's basic attacks unleashes a cascade of destruction. His basic attacks each deal 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 60% AP) bonus magic damage and cause the ground to erupt behind his target in a cone, inflicting the triggering attack upon all affected enemies.
      • Each portion of the cone erupts in 225-range sections, each with a 0.5-second delay after the other, meaning the first 225-range section erupts 0.5 seconds after the attack, the next erupts 1 second after the attack, and the final section erupts 1.5 seconds after the attack.
      • This includes the bonus damage from Mace of Spades Mace of Spades.
      • No longer grants bonus shielding upon damaging enemy champions.
      • Both the triggering attack and the AoE apply spell effects.
  • Children of the Grave Children of the Grave
    • Passive reworked: The spirit of dead enemy champions in combat with Mordekaiser lingers for 3.5 seconds above their corpse.
      • If Mordekaiser's team kills the Dragon or Rift Herald while he was in combat with it, its spirit lingers as well.
    • Active reworked: Mordekaiser raises the target spirit from the dead to serve him. While a spirit is active, using Children of the Grave directs them.
    • Ghost stats changed:
      • No longer gains flat bonus AD.
      • No longer gives Mordekaiser bonus stats.
      • Now deals bonus damage on each attack based on 30% of their AP and 10% of their bonus health.
      • No longer gains bonus health.

Rek'Sai OriginalSquare Rek'Sai[]

Niche: The Land Shark
  • Upon her release, Rek'Sai was poised to be the solution to dual-kit champions, offering a mix of practically every effect in amounts parceled well enough to be satisfying, while still retaining strong core strengths (mobility, damage, utility), weaknesses (no real fighting capabilities and total blindness while burrowed, no mobility when unburrowed), and a unique contribution in the form of her Tremor Sense, while also succeeding at being strong early game without being overbearing, as well as falling off gracefully late-game. Unfortunately, she's ended up running into many of the same problems plaguing practically all loaded champions: her damage and scalings have been shaved off so hard that her abilities now feel mostly unsatisfying (even her burrowed Q, which only had its AP ratio nerfed, doesn't feel good in most circumstances), and she's been forced away from offensive jungle enchantments into constant Cinderhulk Cinderhulk purchases, which in turn makes her passive healing feel comparatively far weaker later on. The goal of these changes is to answer those issues, which look like they could be solved by better parceling out Rek'Sai's power: by shifting her damage away from some sources (i.e. her burrowed Q, which feels super-weak already, and Unburrow, which is more about its knockup than its damage) and onto her primary damaging abilities, while also putting more emphasis on some of her weaknesses (immobile enemies should be completely untouchable to her if she has no direct vision of them, her mobility should revolve around her tunnels), Rek'Sai could afford to have more concentrated instances of power on each ability while retaining similar overall damage, mobility, utility, and the like.
  • Stats:
    • Attack speed growth increased to 4% from 2%.
    • Fury generation normalized to 5 per enemy damaged by Rek'Sai's basic attacks and abilities, from 5 per basic attack, 10 per Queen's Wrath Queen's Wrath, Unburrow Unburrow and Furious Bite Furious Bite and 2.5 per additional enemy hit.
  • Fury of the Xer'Sai Fury of the Xer'Sai:
    • Maximum healing per second changed to 1% maximum health from 5 × Rek'Sai's level.
      • Maximum total healing changed to 5% maximum health from 25 × Rek'Sai's level.
  • Queen's Wrath Queen's Wrath:
    • Base damage reduced to 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 from 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55.
      • Total base damage reduced to 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.
    • Scaling increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% AD from 20% bonus AD.
      • Total scaling increased to 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120% AD from 60% bonus AD.
  • Prey Seeker Prey Seeker:
    • Range reduced to 1300 from 1650.
    • Damage removed.
    • Sight icon Sight removed.
    • Now Slow icon slows affected enemies by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 2 seconds.
  • Burrow Burrow:
    • Bonus movement speed removed.
    • Now shares Unborrow's Unborrow's cooldown, instead of having its own 4-second cooldown.
  • Unburrow Unburrow:
    • Damage removed.
    • Maximum Airborne icon knockup duration increased to 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 from 1 at all ranks.
  • Furious Bite Furious Bite
    • Base damage changed to 100% AD at all ranks from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD.
    • Now applies on-hit effects.
    • Damage multiplier increased to 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2% per Fury from 1% at all ranks.
      • Maximum damage increased to 200 / 225 / 250 / 275 / 300% AD from 160 / 180 / 200 / 220 / 240% AD.
    • No longer deals true damage at maximum Fury.
  • Tunnel Tunnel:
    • Cooldown reduced to 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 from 20 / 19.5 / 19 / 18.5 / 18.
    • Per-tunnel cooldown can now be reduced by cooldown reduction.
      • This makes the per-cooldown tunnel always half the ability's cooldown.
  • Void Rush Void Rush:
    • Bonus attack speed removed.
    • Now increases Fury of the Xer'Sai's Fury of the Xer'Sai's maximum healing per second by 1% maximum health per rank, up to 2 / 3 / 4% maximum health per second.
      • Maximum total healing is thus increased by 5% maximum health per rank, up to 10 / 15 / 20% maximum health.

Renekton OriginalSquare Renekton[]

  • Reign of Anger Reign of Anger
    • New Effect: Empowered abilities no longer consume 50 Rage. All of Renekton's abilities are now empowered while above 50 Rage.
    • Rage decay timer reduced to 4 seconds from 12.
    • Rage decay amount increased to 10 from 4.
    • New Effect: Rage decay now increases to 20 per second after 2.5 seconds.
    • New Effect - Blind Rage: At 100 Rage, Renekton Silence icon silences himself for 6 seconds, but his basic attacks deal 10% of his target's maximum health as bonus physical damage and he attacks with a fixed 1.75 attack speed.
  • Dominus Dominus
    • Removed: No longer grants Rage generation.
    • New Effect: Increases Renekton's current Rage to 50, if applicable.

Sejuani OriginalSquare Sejuani[]

  • Niche: The flail and the battering ram.
  • Arctic Assault Arctic Assault
    • New Effect: New destroys sections of temporary terrain. Reinstating the former bug.

Vi OriginalSquare Vi[]

Niche: The Back Line Diver
  • Vi's enjoyed decent play since her release, and while a small part of the community's been recently complaining about her ultimate's counterplay (or lack of it), that in itself has worked more as a unique advantage to her and her team than a real detriment to gameplay overall. The reliability to her point-and-click CC ultimate has allowed her to shine above others as a diver capable of reliably picking marksmen out, and allows her to become a great last-resort measure against kite-heavy marksmen hiding behind otherwise impenetrable front lines. However, what might not be so healthy on her is the amount of fairly reliable burst she gets to have in addition to those effects, which has often led to frustration from marksmen being singled out and busted before they had a real opportunity to recover from her ult. The goal of these changes is to shift that power a little bit more towards DPS, allowing her to output even better consistent power when in the thick of combat, and adjust her squishy-busting strength in a manner that would involve her teammates more, as well as reward the enemy team better for trying to block her assault (and battery).
  • Blast Shield Blast Shield
    • Shield strength increased to 20% maximum health from 10% maximum health.
    • Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3 seconds.
    • Cooldown changed to 23 - (Vi's level) from 18 − 8 (based on level).
    • Now only applies when damaging an enemy champion or large monster, rather than any enemy.
  • Vault Breaker Vault Breaker
    • Maximum range increased to 1000 from 725.
    • Maximum range charge-up time increased to 2 from 1.25.
    • Damage changed to a constant 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 120% bonus AD), regardless of how much Vi charged the ability.
      • Damage is also the same for all enemies hit, and so is no longer increased against champions.
  • Denting Blows Denting Blows
    • Damage increased to 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15% (+「 1% per 25 」「 4% per 100 」bonus AD) of target's maximum health from 4 / 5.5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10% (+「 1% per 35 」「 2.86% per 100 」bonus AD) of target's maximum health.
    • Is now a critical hit modifier.
    • No longer provides bonus attack speed.
    • No longer reduces the target's armor.
    • Now allows all of Vi's allied champions to apply her critical marks on targets affected by Denting Blows while they remain in combat.
  • Excessive Force Excessive Force
    • Damage changed to 25% AD at all ranks from 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 (+ 15% AD) (+ 70% AP).
    • Recharge time changed to 15 / 12.5 / 10 / 7.5 / 5 from 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8.
  • Assault and Battery Assault and Battery
    • Cooldown reduced to 100 / 80 / 60 from 150 / 115 / 80.
    • Range reduced to 200 from 800.
    • Dash removed.
    • Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100 / 125 / 150.
    • Airborne icon Knockup increased to 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 from 1.25 at all ranks.
    • Damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 125% bonus AD) from 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 140% bonus AD).
    • Now deals the same damage to all enemies near the main target and Airborne icon knocks them away.

Udyr OriginalSquare Udyr[]

Niche: The Stance Dancer
  • A popular solo queue pick for his versatility and fun playstyle, Udyr never really rose to competitive prominence, mainly because of the combination of his short range, absence of gapclosers and poorly defined niche (he can clear, splitpush and even gank well, but suffers in teamfights and doesn't do stuff that shines above other champions). The Juggernaut update changed things, however, and allowed fighters with low reach and no gapclosers to become not only relevant at all stages of the game, but also hugely influential if allowed to operate in teamfights. Since Udyr is a Juggernaut in almost every respect (Bear Stance is exceptional due to the movement speed it gives), it would make sense to give him a similar update: the goal of these changes is to a) retain Udyr's versatility while making the use of each stance richer in decision-making (he would have to adapt on the fly rather than go through a set rotation, and each stance would carry major drawbacks in addition to strengths), and b) allow him to become an absolute beast in teamfights by rewarding sustained combat and ballsy plays with a period of unmitigated power. The end result should be an Udyr who would have a tougher time earlier on, and who wouldn't be able to splitpush as well or lay down as much power instantly, but who'd retain his clearing power while also outputting tremendously more threat over time, while keeping (and perhaps even bolstering) his unique synergy with tank items, on-hit items and Trinity Force Trinity Force.
  • Stats
    • Base health increased to 620 from 593.32.
    • Health growth reduced to 81 from 99.
    • Base attack damage reduced to 55.5 from 58.286.
    • Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5 from 3.2.
    • Attack speed growth increased to 4% from 2.67%.
    • Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 345.
    • now uses Fury instead of mana.
    • Abilities no longer have any cooldowns, but still count as spell casts, and activating an ability disables its use until another ability is cast.
    • Global cooldown can now be reduced by cooldown reduction.
  • Monkey's Agility Monkey's Agility
    • Renamed to Primal Avatar.
    • Reworked: Udyr builds up Fury as he attacks, with basic attacks granting 5 Fury, doubled on critical strikes (and both gains doubled against enemy champions and large monsters to 10 and 20 respectively), and champion and epic monster takedowns granting 100 Fury. At 100 Fury, Udyr enters a Primal Rage, gaining the effects of all of his stances simultaneously until his Fury runs out. While in Primal Rage or out of combat, Udyr's Fury decays at a rate of 20 per second.
    • Additionally, Udyr gains an additional ability point upon taking down the Dragon, Rift Herald or Baron Nashor, though he can only gain this bonus once per epic monster.
      • This means Udyr can gain a total of 20 ability points over the course of a single game, 18 from leveling and 2 from epic monster takedowns.
  • Tiger Stance Tiger Stance
    • Reworked: while in Tiger Stance, grants Udyr an additional 6 base attack damage growth, and causes his critical strikes to deal 9 / 13 / 17 / 21 / 25% of target's missing health bonus physical damage, capped at 300 against monsters.
  • Turtle Stance Turtle Stance
    • Reworked: while in Turtle Stance, grants Udyr an additional 59 base health growth, though his current health remains at the same percentage upon entering or leaving the stance, and causes his critical strikes to heal him for 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 15% of his missing health.
  • Bear Stance Bear Stance
    • Reworked: while in Bear Stance, grants Udyr 10 movement speed growth, and causes his critical strikes to Stun icon stun his target for 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 seconds and double his movement speed growth, decaying over its duration.
      • Each target can only be stunned every static 6 seconds, but the movement speed increase still applies on critical hits during that time.
  • Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance
    • Reworked: while in Phoenix Stance, grants Udyr 6 attack range growth, and causes his critical strikes to detonate his target, dealing 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% of target's maximum health physical damage to all enemies at a radius equal to double his attack range, originating from the target and affecting them as well, capped at 300 against monsters.

Yorick OriginalSquare Yorick[]

SMITE's Au Puch is essentially a clone of one of Xypherous' Yorick reworks... almost scarily so. It's really fun to watch and I can totally see the kit working in League of Legends. With some minor modifications to make it feel more fitting in League (mainly the substantial change to E's anti-pattern), as well as using Xypherous' ability names - here's what I think Au Puch might look like in League of Legends.
― Emptylord
  • Expiration Date Expiration Date
    • Passive: The corpses of Yorick's ghouls, large units and champions that perish nearby linger for 45 seconds. Yorick can walk over corpses to replenish 6% of his maximum health, 3% of his maximum mana and reduce the cooldown of Unholy Covenant by 2 seconds.
  • Unholy Covenant Unholy Covenant
    • Active: Yorick summons a ghoul that surges forward, dealing 40 / 65 / 90 / 114 / 140 (+35% AD) physical damage to enemy units it pass through before collapsing to the ground as a corpse. If the ghoul strikes a champion, it lingers for up to 5 seconds as it attacks the champion dealing 35% AD physical damage on it's attacks, or until it is killed or loses sight of its target.
  • Pestilent Ichor Pestilent Ichor
    • Active: Yorick causes the ground at the target location to seep, slowing nearby enemies by 80% for 0.1 seconds. After a 0.5 second delay, the area explodes dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+10% AD) physical damage. Corpses hit will also explode, dealing a stacking 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+25% AD) additional physical damage to nearby enemies.
  • Idol of Famine Idol of Famine
    • Active: Yorick hurls an idol at the target location that deals 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+15% AD) magic damage every second to surrounding enemies, as well as Grievous Wounds icon reducing and redirecting 50% of affected enemy's healing effects to himself. If an enemy unit is near to the idol as it lands or if they move nearby while it's active, they pick it up and carry it with them for the duration.
  • The Endless March The Endless March
    • Active: Yorick conjures an army of spirits that swarm forward over the next 6 seconds, each spirit dealing 40 / 60 / 80 (+10% bonus AD) physical damage to the first enemy hit. The area is 1000 units wide and is split into twenty 100-width columns that overlap, with 3 spirits spawning with random spacing per row with a total of 30 rows spawning over the duration. Spirits that do not strike a target dissipate after 1300 units.